DIY Free Skype video call recorder for OS X El Capitan

In a previous post I wrote about getting Soundflower to work with El Capitan. Here, I want to outline how you can use it to enable complete Skype video call recording – including both side of the conversation as well as the video. There’s lots of information around about recording the OTHER side of the video chat, but less about both sides. There use to be a Soundflower add-on called Flowerbed that facilitated this but is has now ceased development. There are also an amazing number of apps you can buy – some for $70-$80 that will do it for you too! Let’s do it for free 😀

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WordPress 2.0 Installed and working!

Well, I finally got around to it today, and ‘upgraded’ my main blog to WordPress 2.0 as I had planned.

It is the first time I had tried anything like this so I did it with some trepidation! initially I tried it on a development/trial site, then went for the live version.
The steps I took are listed below.

Quick version : downloaded and unzipped WordPress 2.0, changed the wp-config.php to point correctly and up-loaded all the files. Ran the upgrade script.

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The Internet Cognoscenti – what are you up to?

Well, as I’ve said before I have recently returned to the fold and started re-investigating the ‘net.

After several weeks of looking, trying, learning, being confused and experiencing sudden enlightenment (!), I have come to these conclusions about the way the well-informed, net savvy person is using their Internet!

Firstly, you have your own domain name. Preferably a “vanity” one that is immediately identifiable! has more cache than and far more than! At the very least, this allows you to have a persistent email address despite changing ISPs over time. Make sure you have bought a 5 or 9 year lease on the name. Quite possibly you have also bought domains for your family, relatives, and acquaintances.
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Coming to terms with it all. -RSS

Well, its been a steep learning curve. I mean – What is RSS all about?

RSS feeds are novel for me, but I have installed Feed demon (trial), got a Newsgator account and subscribed, subscribed, subscribed. I must admit it is fascinating to see where things are up to now-days.

I also note that google has now opened a Google-reader – jumping on the band-wagon – its a sign of the times.

Content delivered to your desk BUT you get to choose the content! It even includes Podcasts! I think I like this system.

Certainly I will want my blog/site to have RSS capabilities, just as this one does!

By the way, I gather from Newsgator, that they will be integrating their online services with FeedDemon – allowing you to synchronise your casts between the two – and now they have acquired a Mac client too, so that makes it even more useful for the multiple platform family!

Yep – RSS – a new (?) way to receive content that I want.